Casa Rosales

Casa Rosales

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Proud Padres

Friday 22 June was the last day of term for the children of Alcala la Real, Jaen, Andalucia and probably the whole of Spain. Despite it being at least a month earlier than schools in the UK, we were all feeling ready for the summer break - especially as temperatures are reaching 36 degrees most days.

The children (and school staff) have been working hard to prepare a spectacular for parents to enjoy and we had a real treat last night. I am proud to say I did my parental duties quite well, spending a couple of mornings earlier in the month to make some rather sweet little straw huts to act as 'scenery' to the dances of Year 2 - Romy's year.  

Each year group wore matching costumes. I was rather partisan and only photographed the year groups that my own children were in and also Year 1 because my friends daughters are both in that group. However Years 1 and 2 were the best costumes by far!

Year 1 was dressed as the main characters in Lazy Town. Sorry Sam and Caroline - I could not identify Izzy and Natalia specifically - they all looked the same from where I was sitting! All gorgeous.

The children in year 2 were dressed as an African tribe. There were some really stunning shields and they looked fantastic all together. I am going to resist describing the hours of work that went into making Romy's costume because I discovered on the night that I could have made it much easier for myself - but hey, next time I have to make one, I shall know the best way!

Romy has spotted me in the crowd!

I took lots of photos of the African tribe - I though they all looked wonderful. Judge for yourselves!

Don't tell him I told you, but see the man in the audience with his arms in the air? FR!

Turquoise, Pink and Green Angels
Ruy's year group all wore a pair of white wings for a very touching and heartbreaking reason. 

Earlier in the year, a lovely boy called Andres, lost his battle with cancer at the age of just 11. We saw him at school most days, despite his illness and he was always so very cheerful and enthusiastic, though some days, he couldn't even walk to the car and his father had to bring a wheelchair for him. 

The children were all devastated when they heard he had died and there were some very genuine and lovely tributes to him in the end of term bulletin that his classmates had written. 
The whole evening was dedicated to him.

You also need to know that I made Ruy's wings. You need to know this for two reasons. 

1. He could easily be taken for the real thing and so why would I need to make him wings out of cardboard?

2. Most of the other children's parents went to the local bazaar and bought the wings from there. By the time I found out this was an option (having been too busy making straw skirts and shields) I had already made him a pair from cardboard and lots of crepe paper.

I was quite pleased with the final result and Ruy was pleased to have the biggest pair of wings in his class!

Angels in conversation

Despite the heat and the fact that they had all performed during the day for each other, by way of a whole school practice, the children put their hearts into their dances and it was a real pleasure to watch them.

Well done Alonso de Alcala. Thank you teachers. We'll see you next week for the real truth about our little savages and angels when we go and collect their end of term reports!

Romy and Ruy - ready to go and dance


  1. Your children are beautiful, your talents are never ending and each photo I see of Romy, the more I see you. It looks like a wonderful day, the angel wings is a lovely idea, made me all goosebumpy, so sorry for Andres. Enjoy your summer Annie, lots of love Janice xxxx

    1. Thank you, Janice. Whilst I agree my children are beautiful (much more than I ever was) I know my talents have very distinct boundaries!!
      We were all touched by Andres' incredible bravery and character - lump to the throat to see all those wings, I can tell you.

      We're going to have a great summer, I'm sure - hope you do too. Axxxx

  2. Lovely sunny photos! And the ambitious nature of the show made me think that English schools should definitely try harder.

    1. To be absolutely fair, Nilly, whilst this was a lovely, happy and noisy spectacle, our children's school in England always put on some fantastic shows and performances too. I wish we could have a combination of the two schools in one but I'm very glad my children have been lucky enough to have had the experience of both. I hope it stands them in good stead in the future too, whilst we have some wonderful memories to look back on. Axxx

  3. The wings for Andres was a wonderful idea...
    The costumes look superb...I don't know how you manage to do all that...and is that one of your huts?

  4. Yes, Fly, wasn't it lovely - very moving, very sad, but a joyous occasion to remember him.
    I'm rather proud of how everything turned out as I left it all til the last minute as usual. And yes, one of the huts is mine but I can't tell which from here!
    Thank you

  5. Wonderful costumes. I feel I need to stop complaining about the Roman costume I have coming up! The whole event looks stunning and what a lovely tribute x

    1. We did Roman costumes in February, Karen - an absolute doddle compared to the African ones. (I cheated, I was offered the option to buy one ready made, and I put all my principles to one side and bought one!)

  6. Exquisite wings! Wonderful costumes--all making for some fun, colorful photos of some really cute kids! Well done :)

    1. Praise indeed, Elizabeth. Thank you! Axxx

  7. Wow, that looks like some show! Great costumes too, go you!

    I can't imagine that kind of heat, I'd melt. If that were my only alternative I'd keep the rain!

    1. Hi Annie - it was a lovely show, really good fun.

      I never liked English hot days - far too sticky and exhausting - but here, although the temperature is higher, it's really dry so not sweaty and enervating. As long as you stay out of the sun, to avoid crisping, it's really not too bad! And much better than rain!

  8. What a marvellous spectacle, Annie and the wings gave me a lump in my throat. Your post takes me straight back to the days of making costumes for our two and the time I had to make a peasant's tunic for DD by hand in an evening, when my sewing machine chose that moment to break down. Happy days!:-)

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Perpetua! It's amazing what we can do when we have to, isn't it. My sister is the expert at making costumes but I'm definitely coming along as the years go by. She's now out of practice as her children are much older than mine. Axxx


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