Casa Rosales

Casa Rosales

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Caracol colocado

Hours of mental application. Words whizzing through my mind. The choosing of a new blog title is almost as difficult as choosing your child's name.

Of course, I wanted something clever; witty; encapsulating; pertinent. So many good concepts to choose from - I already had chocolate. I have moved to place with a name - Rosales - in a village with wolves in the title. There were 94 inhabitants before we came. I have identified myself with snails; we'd been 'moving on' for quite some time; we had arrived in our very own home.

Surely from this little lot I could conjure up a wonderful title?

Well, there have been some strong contenders. ('Dun Romin' was the outsider, though, let me make that clear!) 'Moving In', 'Settling In' and 'Staying Put' came quickly to mind; closely followed by 'Casa Rosales'.

Ruy came up with a lovely one - Five New Wolves'; and someone else suggested 'And then there were 99'.
I was focusing on snails and rose trees and discovered there is a story of this name by Hans Christian Anderson. Interesting.
I checked out chocolates and roses and was plagued by memories of a truly awful advertisement from my younger days. Some of you will know exactly which one I mean! (I was quite surprised to find it was from 1964 - when I was only 5 - and I can remember it clearly even now. The power of advertising!) It was for Cadbury's 'Roses' - a mix of chocolates, usually in a tin, - and had Norman Vaughan saying 'Roses grow on you' as the slogan.

So no to a roses and chocolate theme. But I did wonder about the phrase 'May contain nuts.' I've included it in my heading because it appeals to me and could cover a multitude of possibilities as well being a common reference to chocolate. (And I much preferred Frank Muir's contribution to Cadbury's advertising...)

The other night, my mind still turning words and phrases around, I had the lovely idea of being a settled snail. Snail, in English, has a slightly unpleasant sound to my ear.
In Spanish, though, it's lovely. Caracol.

SO, feeling on the verge of something rather exciting, I remembered that something 'placed' (or settled) in Spanish, is 'colocado' - and I absolutely fell in love with the sound of 'Un Caracol Colocado'.
Beautiful alliteration, somewhat unusual and rather clever, in my opinion.

I turned to FR to try it out. He was unimpressed and appeared to mutter something. As he was with earphones on and watching a video, I though his comment about being 'doped up' was related what he was watching. Then he stopped and gave me his full attention.

"'Colocado in Spanish does mean 'placed' or 'settled' but it's also used as a slang expression for being stoned, smashed, drugged up. You can't call your blog 'The Stoned Snail'......No, you can't!"

(This last comment as he saw my eyes light up!) Yes, I was sorely tempted - but then I discovered someone already had the title. Not a blogger, but a fantasty fiction writer. And not a very good one. But I really was tempted.

I've had suggestions from friends too and in the end, I've settled for something that takes a bit from many suggestions, says what I want to say, doesn't require lengthy explanations and also draws on the philosophies of living in the moment. Of being; and of being here.

Being Here.


  1. The simple ones are always the best xx

    1. Thanks, Ayak. I think so too despite having delusions of a grander title. Ax

  2. I love your new blog name Annie! Although 'The Stoned Snail' definitely has a ring to it too... Can't wait to read about your adventures in your new house :)

    1. Thanks Clare! Isn't the Stoned Snail lovely? I hope we have some good adventures in our new home too..Axxx

  3. Every time I see 'Being Here' popping up in the e mail I shall be thinking...oh good, here comes the news from the Stoned Snail at Dun Romin...

    Great title, though. Says it all succinctly.

    1. I am so glad you'll have that thought, Helen! How we arrive at our names is a journey all on its own....yours is fantastic!

  4. I think it sums up the journey... so far!

    Good name.

    1. Thank, Gaynor. It's definitely where we are. Who knows what adventures we'll have now we're here! Many, I do hope. (Getting the bus to take the children to school is the first one...!)

  5. I love it! but I will also think of a stoned snail every time a new post pops up!

    1. Good, good! My little ploy seems to be working. I shall refer to the stoned snail on a regular basis methinks! Thank you! Axx

  6. Un caracol colocado does sound beautiful. After sharing your thought processes with us, I am sure you will forever be an ever so slightly stoned ...but settled....snail in the minds of those of us that follow your posts. I trust being settled is still as wonderful as it was a few days ago.Getting that bus to pick up the kids sounds like a priority. I still remember the utter joy I felt when I found out that the Mankinholes bus would pick Jess up from the front door, and deliver her back there after school, all without me needing to reorganise my life. Good luck with that will certainly make life easier. Lots of love Jx

    1. I am still as happy - and as settled - as a slightly stoned snail. It's lovely and every day has its own special bits. I like going in to Alcala with FR as we inevitably stop off for a beer and tapas as we meet up after doing our various little jobs in town. I like it when I'm on my own in the house and have utter peace and tranquility. The days are now warm, sunny and longer and I do really feel a bit spaced out because time has a different quality too!

      The bus arrangement is ridiculous. There are two primaries in Alcala but only one has a contract with the bus company even though the two are within minutes of each other and the bus has to pass ours before going on to the other one. We have been told that we might be given a grant to take them in ourselves OR they'll have to change schools!! It is totally and utterly stupid and FR is telling the authorities that they must sort it out or we'll keep the children at home. Not sure if this is an empty threat or not just yet but we are prepared to try and make them see how stupid it all is. The bus company are completely in agreement with us, but the local council makes the arrangements. It would be better for them, but right now, not taking the bus gives me an extra hour in bed in the mornings and I am not sure I want to give that up.....I don't have any reorganising to worry about. What will be, will be!


  7. Love the new blog title, Annie and will now change it in my blog list. The saga of the school bus is ludicrous. Oh fgfor some common sense. Hope you get it all sorted out soon.

    PS The Stoned Snail sounds like a new take on a children's picture book - an offbeat version of The Snail And The Whale, perhaps? :-)

    1. Thank you Perpetua. I really had to change it now. Yes, the school bus saga is unbelievable - some fruit and nut case in charge, I think!

      I'm already very fond of the 'Stoned Snail' - who knows, it may become a story teller in its own right...Axx

  8. Good choice - My Spanish is zero, are the letters c hard or soft is caracol? Only ask 'cos Karakol is a police station in Turkish.

    1. Hi Annie, all the 'c's are hard in caracol colocado but I wouldn't want to share the name with a Turkish police station! Glad you like the new name. I've very glad to 'be here'. Axxx

  9. Oooh - I think I'll change my blog name to just "May Contain Nuts"! But no doubt that one has already been taken.

    1. It's good, isn't it! Check it out - I know there are a couple of things with that title but sometimes it's just the domain with a different title, and sometimes the other way round. It seems to fit a lot of blogs!!

  10. Henceforth, in my head at least, you will be here, at the stoned snail ;)

    1. Thank you, Annie! I am here; I am at the stoned snail. (I AM the stoned snail!)


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